Artificial Intelligence CIS 716, Fall 2003


Instructor:                     Samir Chopra

Office:                          1214 Ingersoll Hall (Mailbox is in the CIS office, 2109 Ingersoll Hall).


Phone:                          718.951.4139

Class Meeting Times:      Wednesday, 3:50 PM – 5:55 PM (232 New Ingersoll Hall)

Office hours:                 Wednesday, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Course Requirements:


There will be one mid-term examination, one final exam and some home works. Each week, readings from the textbook will be assigned. All readings assigned are required in that they can, and will be, the subject of homework assignments and examination questions.


Note: Home works must be handed in on time i.e., on the date and time specified. Late submissions will receive an automatic grade of zero. I will be willing to look over a late submission to give you feedback, but I will not assign you a grade for it.


The semester grade will be determined as follows:


Home works: 20 % of the final grade.

Midterm exam: 35 % of the final grade.

Final exam: 45 % of the final grade.




Class Mailing List: 


Go to, pick the subscribe (default) option (the list name is cis716_fall03) and enter your email address. Alternatively, send a message to with a blank subject line and as the body of the message (caution: if you are using a web-based email service, make sure it does not insert HTML in the body of the mail - using the web page above is safer). Subscription to the class mailing list is mandatory – consider this your first homework assignment.


Required Textbook:


Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall, 2003. ISBN: 0-13-790395-2. The textbook is available in the bookstore though it is stored under CIS 32.


Schedule of Lectures:


Chapters 1 and 2 are introductory chapters and must be read in the first week. After that, the following is a tentative list of chapters that we will try and cover. Section II (chapters 3 and 5), Section III (chapters 7, 8, 9, 10), section IV (chapter 11), section VI (chapter 13 and 14) and section VI (chapter 18 and 21). We will add and drop material based on our progress during the semester.